
User Guide

Duke is a desktop app for managing tasks, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Duke can get your tasks management done faster than traditional GUI apps.



Usage Format, Examples
todo todo [description]
e.g. todo todo 1
deadline deadline [description] /by [yyyy-MM-dd]
e.g. deadline deadline 1 /by 2020-09-15
event event [description] /at [yyyy-MM-dd h:mm a]
e.g. event event 1 /at 2020-09-15 10:51 am
done done [index]
e.g. done 3
find find [keywords]
e.g. find eve
delete delete [index]
e.g. delete 4
list list
schedule schedule [yyyy-MM-dd]
e.g. schedule 2020-09-15
bye bye


todo - Adding todo task

Adds a todo task to the list.

Example of usage:

todo [description]


todo todo 1

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
    [T][✘] todo 1
Now you have 9 tasks in the list.

deadline - Adding deadline task

Adds a deadline task with a Date to the list.

Example of usage:

deadline [description] /by [yyyy-MM-dd]


deadline deadline 1 /by 2020-09-15

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
    [D][✘] deadline 1 (by: Sep 15 2020)
Now you have 8 tasks in the list.

event - Adding event task

Adds an event task with a DateTime to the list.

Example of usage:

event [description] /at [yyyy-MM-dd h:mm a]


event event 1 /at 2020-09-15 10:32 am

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
    [E][✘] event 1 (at: Sep 15 2020 10:32 am)
Now you have 7 tasks in the list.

done - Marking a task as done

Marks a task in the list as done.

Example of usage:

done [index]


done 5

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done: 
    [T][✓] todo 1

find - Finding tasks

Finds tasks that contain any of the given keywords.

Example of usage:

find [keyword]


find todo

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list: 
    1. [T][✘] todo 1
    2. [T][✘] todo 2

delete - Deleting a task

Remove a task from the list.

Example of usage:

delete [index]


delete 4

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task: 
    [T][✘] todo 1
Now you have 4 tasks in the list.

list - Listing all tasks

Shows a list of all tasks in Duke.

Example of usage:




Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list: 
    1. [T][✘] todo 1
    2. [D][✘] deadline 1 (by: Sep 20 2020)
    3. [E][✘] event 1 (at: Sep 21 2020 7:00 pm)
    4. [T][✓] todo done

schedule - Listing all tasks by Date

Shows a list of all tasks that has the specific date in Duke.

Example of usage:

schedule [yyyy-MM-dd]


schedule 2020-09-20

Expected outcome:

Here are the schedule on Sep 20 2020: 
  1. [D][✘] exam (by: Sep 20 2020)

bye - Exiting the program

Exits the program

Example of usage:
